Fall in love with someone who chooses you just as confidently as you choose them.
Fall in love with someone who sees the wars within you and not only chooses to stay, but chooses to stand by your side and help you fight them.
Fall in love with someone who does not make you feel like you are hard to love. Give your heart to someone who does not call you weak for feeling so deeply
Fall in love with someone who ignites a wildness within you; someone who grows your mind just as much as they grow your heart.
Fall in love with someone who respects you for changing because they understand that it means you’re growing.
When the time is right, you are going to fall in love with someone who will appreciate everything you stand for, who will compliment you in ways you never imagined before.
La Vida Euphorbia
The place where I pouring out my feelings..There are no rules here, just be real, happy, and enjoy!

Either write something worth reading , or do something worth writing.

Impressive Sketch

Take a life

Growth: its a process that we must passed
21 Apr 2016
2 Mar 2016
2 Feb 2016
Jangan pernah berharap kesempurnaan
Aku hanya seorang wanita biasa
Sama seperti ibumu yang akan menua
Yang kadang cengeng seperti saudara perempuanmu
Dan tentunya memiliki kasih sayang seperti nenek yang kau cintai
Semoga aku adalah yang membuatmu tidak mencari lagi
Menjadi akhir dari sebuah penantian
Setiap doa-doa yang dipanjatkan akan berbuah manis
Yakinlah setiap penantian akan berakhir dengan semestinya
Setiap usaha pasti akan menemukan hasil
Setiap jalan pasti akan menemukan ujung
Setiap pencarian pasti akan menemukan apa yang dicari
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